Grading and scoring review changes

If the grading and scoring option is enabled for a review submission, you will be able to provide a grade based on the modification in the translated content. Translation & Review Portal includes the both system and user-defined grading and scoring Quality Assurance models.

To grade and score translated content:

  1. On the dashboard, double-click a submission in review workflow or select a submission and click Open Submission.
    The Submission Review page appears. The color coded submission files appear in the left pane. Go to Submission file status for more information on color codes.

  2. Click a file name.
    The source and target segments of the file appear in the right pane.

  3. If you want to modify a target segment, click and type in the new translation in the Modified Target box.

  4. If you want to explain your modification or provide comments, enter notes in the Comments box.

  5. In Modified Target box, click Grade as shown in the screenshot below.
    The Gradings and Scorings dialog box appears.

  6. Select the Grade and Score from the drop down lists.
    The entered Grading and Scoring are saved.

  7. You can provide multiple grading and scoring for a segment.
    Note: Duplicate Grade and Score is not allowed. A Grade should be selected before a Score.

  8. Click to delete a grading and scoring.

  9. Click a grading and scoring to edit the entered values.

  10. Click Close.
    The grading and scoring appear in the segment.

  11. Click , to save changes to the segment. Alternatively you can modify all the segments on the page and click .

  12. Complete the review of the file and click Complete Review.
    A confirmation message appears.

    : Once a file is marked as complete, you may go back and review it at any time. Marking a file as complete is not mandatory, but it helps you to easily identify files that you have already reviewed. Go to Filtering submission files for more information.

  13. Click Yes.
    The file is marked as Complete.

  14. After completing review of all files click Submissions.
    The following menu options appear.

  15. Click Complete Submission.
    A confirmation message appears.

    : It is mandatory to mark the submission as complete to advance the submission to the next step in the review workflow. For example, if the review workflow includes a Reviewer and Language Manager review, unless the Reviewer marks the submission as complete, it will not be available for the Language Manager for review.
    Once you mark a submission as complete, you cannot review or modify the submission files and they will disappear from the submission file list. However, if you are a system administrator or project manager you will be able to view the completed files on the dashboard, if you uncheck Hide Completed Submissions under the Submissions menu.

  16. Click Yes.
    The submission is marked as complete.